GRADING TEST SYLLABUS W.E.R. 1st JANUARY, 2011, for promotions from White Belt up to Black Belt(7th Dan):
In upholding the tradition of the high sandard of the "Kyu" grade and "Dan" grade holders of K.B.I. the under mentioned Syllabus are applicable to all members for KBI. Grading tests to be held throughout the world.

For Promotion
From To Requirements
White Belt 8th Kyu (White-Yellow) Allabasicblocks, front kicks, Taikyo-Ku Shodan & Taikyo-Ku Sandan Katas.
8th Kyu 7th Kyu (Yellow Belt) All the above, plus side kick, Knife-hand block & Heian Shodan Kata
7th Kyu 6th Kyu (Orange Belt) All the above, plus Heian Nidan Katas
6th Kyu 5th Kyu (Blue Belt) All the above, plus Turning-kick and Heian Sandan Kates.
5th 4th Kyu(Green Belt) All the above, plus back kick
4th Kyu 3rd Kyu(Purple Belt) All the above, plus Heian Godan Kates
3rd Kyu 2nd Kyu(Brown Belt) All the above, plus Tekki Shodan Kates.
2nd Kyu 1st Kyu(Brown Black Belt) All the above, plus Tekki Nidan Katas.
1st Kyu Shodan(Black Belt) All the above, plus Tekki Sandan and Basaidai Katas.
Shodan Nidan(Black Belt) All the above, Plus Basaisho and Kankudai Kats.
Nidan Sandan(Black Belt) All the above, plus Kankusho and Enpi Kates
Sandan Yondan(Black Belt) All the above, plus Join and Hungetsu Katas.
Yondan Godan(Black Belt) All the above, plus Jitte, Jiin, Sochin Gankaku, Gojushiho-dai Kates.
Gondan Rukdan(Black Belt) Gujushiho-Sho, Nijishio, Ganku.
Rukdan &th Dan (Black Belt) Chintei Unsu, Meiky and Wankan Katas.

Syallabus for promotion to the ranks above "Nanadan" (7th Dan) is available on request from the Grandmaster.

Free Sparing requirements are for promotion from 5th Kyu to 4th Kyu onwards. All basic movements and katas must be performed with precision and power. To be able to perform only the movements of the katas correctly, without the required standard and power, is not sufficient for promotion. In addition to his physical ability the character of the member and his behavior to other instructors and members are also taken into consideration for higher promotion.

A minimum of 4 months training is expected of a member between each promotion from the White Belt stage to the 4th Kyu, after which a 5 monthly interval is required before he is tested for the First Kyu. A minimum training period of 6 months is necessary from the 1st Kyu to the Black Belt Shodan. One year training is required from Shodan to Nidan, two years from Nidan to Sandan and three years from Sandan to Yondan, Unless the member shows exceptional ability and power in his performance to the rank of a "Godan" a member must have at least 15 years training in K.B.I 5 years training after Yondan.